Fibroids Specialist
Trusted Fibroids Specialist serving Live Oak, TX.
They have decades of experience as OB/GYNs and provide compassionate care for women in San Antonio, Texas. At Virtuosa GYN, you’re treated with dedication and understanding. This practice has many conservative options available to reduce your fibroid symptoms.
Call or schedule your consultation online today.

What are fibroids?
What are the symptoms of fibroids?
You may not know they have fibroids, or you might already suffer from one or more of the following symptoms:
- Heavy or prolonged menstrual periods
- Abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods
- Pelvic pain (caused by pressure from the fibroid on internal organs)
- Frequent urination
- Low back pain
- Pain during intercourse
During the examination, your doctor checks for the presence of a firm mass, often located near the center of the pelvis, which indicates the possible presence of a fibroid.
What causes fibroids?
Women who are approaching menopause, overweight, or of African-American heritage have an elevated risk of developing fibroids.
How are fibroids diagnosed?
Your doctor rules out other causes, such as anemia or other tumors, before making a diagnosis.
How are fibroids treated?
Nonsurgical options for fibroids include medications, like gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH agonists), anti-hormonal agents, and anti-inflammatory pain relievers.
Other conservative treatments include minimally invasive options, like myomectomies and the Accesa™ procedure. Both of these options remove fibroids and spare your uterus, that is, avoid a hysterectomy.
During a myomectomy, the doctors at Virtuosa GYN utilize laparoscopic robotic surgery to remove smaller or less invasive fibroids.
Acessa procedure
During the Accesa procedure, your doctor makes tiny incisions in your abdomen and then inserts a miniature handpiece that shrinks fibroids using radiofrequency ablation. The Acessa procedure is an outpatient surgery, so you can go home the same day and return to work within one week.
If you’ve completed your family and your fibroid symptoms are severe, your doctor performs a minimally invasive hysterectomy with the da Vinci® robotic system.
If you’re suffering from fibroids, there’s a solution for you at Virtuosa GYN. Call or schedule a consultation online now.

Ovarian Cysts
An ovarian cyst rupture can cause severe pain. Identify and manage ovarian cysts before they cause problems.
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain can range from mild discomfort to debilitating pain that prevents you from even leaving home.
Pelvic Prolapse
Feelings of heaviness or pressure in the pelvis often accompany pelvic organ prolapse.
When heavy periods, pain, and menstrual irregularities prevent you from enjoying life, help is available.
Pain and discomfort from fibroids can prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
When you’re looking for a gynecologist, you need an experienced and trustworthy expert.
Managing the pain and discomfort due to endometriosis, organ prolapse.
Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing and prevent you from leaving the house as often as you’d like.
Services: Hysterectomy, Endometriosis , Gynecologist, Pelvic Prolapse, Incontinence Fibroids, Pelvic Pain, Ovarian Cyst, Robotic Surgery, Acessa, Non-mesh Prolapse Repair, Narcotic Free Women's Surgery