Ovarian Cysts Specialist
Trusted Ovarian Cysts Specialist serving Live Oak, TX.
Ovarian Cysts
An ovarian cyst rupture can cause severe pain. Regular pelvic exams with your doctor at Virtuosa GYN help identify and manage ovarian cysts before they cause problems.
Conveniently located with San Antonio, Texas, the compassionate and friendly doctors at Virtuosa GYN provide many conservative options to care for women with ovarian cysts.
Call Virtuosa GYN or schedule an appointment online now to discuss your needs.
Ovarian Cysts Q & A

What is an ovarian cyst?
Ovarian cysts are solid or fluid-filled sacs within an ovary. If an ovarian cyst ruptures, you experience severe pelvic pain with bloating, nausea, vomiting, and fever.
What causes an ovarian cyst?
Your ovaries naturally form cyst-like structures called follicles during your menstrual cycle. Follicles produce female hormones, signaling your body to release an egg during ovulation. When irregularities of follicle growth occur, cysts develop.
What are the types of ovarian cysts?
The two main types of cysts are functional and other cysts. These two types are categorized based on the cause and location of the cyst.
Functional cyst
Overgrown ovarian follicles cause two types of functional cysts. A follicular cyst occurs when the follicle does not release an egg but keeps growing instead. If an egg is released, the follicle is renamed the corpus luteum. If the corpus luteum accumulates fluid, it grows into a cyst.
Other cysts
Other types of cysts are made of different substances or grow in different locations. For example, dermoid cysts (teratomas) are made of tissues like skin, hair, or teeth; cystadenomas develop on the ovary’s surface and are filled with a watery or mucous material. Endometriomas are implants of endometrial tissue from the uterus that attach to the ovary.
How is an ovarian cyst diagnosed?
Regular pelvic examinations are the best way to identify ovarian cysts before they become a problem.
If your doctor suspects an ovarian cyst, she conducts additional testing, including a pregnancy test, pelvic ultrasound, laparoscopy, and a CA 125 blood test. These tests identify the type of ovarian cyst you have, so you receive proper treatment.
How is an ovarian cyst treated?
In most cases, your doctor monitors your cyst to check for a size increase that indicates the potential for rupture. If you’re not pregnant, she prescribes birth control medications to stabilize hormone levels and prevent the development of additional cysts.
If your cyst doesn’t go away on its own or keeps growing, your doctor removes the cyst by using fertility preservation options. In cases of ovarian cancer, your doctor refers you to an oncologist for care.
Regular monitoring of ovarian cysts can give you peace of mind and prevent future pain. Call Virtuosa GYN or schedule a visit online today to begin care.

Ovarian Cysts
An ovarian cyst rupture can cause severe pain. Identify and manage ovarian cysts before they cause problems.
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain can range from mild discomfort to debilitating pain that prevents you from even leaving home.
Pelvic Prolapse
Feelings of heaviness or pressure in the pelvis often accompany pelvic organ prolapse.
When heavy periods, pain, and menstrual irregularities prevent you from enjoying life, help is available.
Pain and discomfort from fibroids can prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
When you’re looking for a gynecologist, you need an experienced and trustworthy expert.
Managing the pain and discomfort due to endometriosis, organ prolapse.
Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing and prevent you from leaving the house as often as you’d like.
Services: Hysterectomy, Endometriosis , Gynecologist, Pelvic Prolapse, Incontinence Fibroids, Pelvic Pain, Ovarian Cyst, Robotic Surgery, Acessa, Non-mesh Prolapse Repair, Narcotic Free Women's Surgery